Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Not happy today

Not wanting to be at work, hating everything about it, generally in a bad mood, wanting to be at home with the kids.

I know there are millions, no billions and billions of people out there who have it worse than me. But I'm wallowing.

Can I snap out of it????

Or just close my office door today and hope people get the hint.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Why haven't I posted for a while again?

I have been slack in my posts since returning from holidays. I made a small return a few weeks ago, only to go silent again.

Its not that I don't want to, or don't have ideas of what to say. What it is, is that because I haven't posted about a fairly major thing that has happened/decision that has been made, all of the things that I have thought to post about lately would have no context, ie. they make no sense without the background of where they are coming from. This major decision is occupying my thoughts a lot - as a major decision should I guess. I have been hesitant to post about it for a couple of reasons - mainly because I was worried that someone from work would somehow stumble on this blog and find out. But - I think I'm over that.

So, without further ado, I'll get to it .... we have decided that we are going to leave Sydney, move somewhere lesss hectic and theoretically cheaper to live in, and I am going to quit work and my career. This is all to happen in approx. 12 months or slightly less.

A lot of background to this, but for now I am just getting it out there so I can feel free to post more about it going forward.

There - I've done it!!