Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Feeling useless

Am now at home and it is lovely - I am still at the stage where I am tickled pink and get a little thrill at things like being able to roll over in bed without pain, lie on the couch and watch tv, and get up and go to the toilet when I need to - small things as they say!

But, the current state of my back has left me in an unusual predicament in that I am pretty much good for nothing, but not completely incapacitated, so am in this middle ground of being of no use to anyone in particular, but not so bad that I'm bed bound. Its difficult in its own way.

What I mean is this - I can't go to work because I can't drive and can't sit for more than 10 - 15 mins or so at a time, I can't look after the boys by myself because I can't (or shouldn't be - am being a little naughty in this respect) lift them, carry them, wrestle them into their clothes, get down on the floor and play with them, get them in or out of bed, etc etc. But, I am also not bed bound - I don't need to be, nor is it good for me, to lie down all day. So I'm left in this middle ground sort of place, wandering around like a lost soul, generally feeling like I'm getting in the way.

Don't get me wrong - this is not a complaint, and I am so appreciative and aware of how far I have come, but its all a bit weird.

1 comment:

Kris said...

I can understand the feeling. If you're able to move around, you can get a sense of obligation that you *should* be doing things. I hope your back continues to improve! :)