Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm back!

Its been a while - almost 2 months I just noticed! A lot has been happening, most of it the subject of later posts, but in summary form:

I have been doing:

-holidaying - we had a great holiday on the North Coast visiting beaches etc and I had a great week after that staying at home with the boys
- making life changing decisions - more on that later
-working - recently increased from 3 days to 4 (1 of which is at home). More on that later.
- eating too much and moving too little - but have started exercising/going to the gym again - fell off the wagon but am back on now.
- feeling the guilt of the working mother - my boys have become very clingy and its hard not to blame myself for that
- trying to save money - and becoming extremely stingy in the process!
- enjoying our new church.

Hope that all is well for others - while I have been in hiding I have kept up with the blogs of others. Talk again soon.


Megan said...

Yay!!! Great to see you back :) looking forward to hearing all the news

Prue said...

Glad to have you back!

Kris said...

Welcome back!