Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What am I doing wrong?????

I was the lone ranger tonight putting the boys down - nothing gargantuan, just cooking and feeding them dinner, bathing, dressing, stories, prayers, bed. The end result was okay - in bed and asleep by 7.15pm, but the process was not a pleasant one. Constant screaming, interspersed with whinging and whining, kiwi fruit and yoghurt all over the floor (and me), fisticuffs in the bath, and a completely failed story attempt and no attention paid by Action Man during prayers. Nothing at all like the books, movies and tv ads present bedtime to be - no soft focus lighting, little eyes drifting closed, gentle smiles at mummy and lovely cuddles and kisses. It was a battle from start to finish.

Is it only me that this happens to? What am I doing wrong?????


Prue said...

You're not doing anything wrong. We all have one of those days sometimes. The best thing you can do is enjoy the peace and quiet after it's all died down. As you pick the kiwi fruit from your hair!
Hang in there, and cherish the times it does work out.

Often when I am flying solo I make our son's favourite meal (to make sure he eats his dinner), and forgo the bath/shower in order to fit everything in better if it does all fall in a screaming heap.

And we usually try and make it sound special when it is just one of us with the kids at night - for my husband he always calls it "The Boys Night In".

Megan said...

the dreaded dinner shift!!! I was all confident doing that by myself with one, and then 2 came along and I couldnt cope for months! Until recently, if I had to put the boys to bed by myself, i would beg a grandparent to come help!! And attention paid during prayers...........that is a battle every night. But, at least at the moment, I am finding the older each one gets, the easier it gets. So as Prue says - hang in there. And have a choccie or other maybe less fattening reward waiting for yourself for when they are in bed...

Kris said...

You're not doing anything wrong. I have 3 nights a week doing the solo shift, and it always takes a lot of work. The mess always seems 3 times bigger at the end of those days!

I try to economise with certain things, like Prue. Choosing easy finger-food dinner options sometimes helps, so things like sweet potato chips with fish fingers and steamed vegies (or just peas & corn) are a lot easier than a culinary masterpiece to handle.

Quiet and soothing instrumental music can be a godsend around this time, too. Even just for grown-up nerves!

Oh, and we also have difficulty with the prayers at this age, too.

Kris said...

... and then there are days like today. While I wasn't looking my daughter "cleaned" the lounge, carpet and various items with sunscreen while my son attempted to flush an entire toilet roll (cardboard insert included) down the toilet.


on days like today, Megan's suggestion of chocolate is what you hang out for...