Friday, January 25, 2008

The 2 year old school of management

It ocurred to me last night as I was dreading my work day today dealing with the men (and their egos) that I am bound to end up coming up against, that my experience in managing an active 2 year old has become very helpful to me in dealing with these egos.

The key two lessons are as follows:

1. Distraction, distraction, distraction; and
2. always let them/make them/allow them to think its their idea.

It really does work.


Megan said...

ah, now I realise why I don't cope well with men's egos... because my kids just have to learn we do what mummy says - I don't like being indirect about it..... and I don't like having to do that with grown men either!!! But maybe to my cost..

Cecily said...

You could write a book about that.

Kris said...

Cecily's right. There's a great book in that - the parallels between grown men and toddlers! :)

Cecily said...

Megan - why do your kids just learn that we have to do what Mummy says? Isn't that just teaching compliance versus teaching thinking and making wise choices?

Megan said...

hey cecily, I didn't mean in all circumstances! and my remark was meant to be somewhat tongue in cheek (sorry, tone sometimes lost on these things!) - as I think Kaylene was being too!

Cecily said...

sorry Megan. I was reading a book about teaching decision making rather than controlling children, and I got a bit gung ho... yes, tone does get lost, but surprisingly not that often. No offence intended.